Monday, November 19, 2012

Plus Size Clothing - Smart Fashion Moving With The Times

When it comes to the importance of the way we look, writer Gore Vidal put it simply: "Style is about knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn." However, for many years larger women in the UK have had little choice when it came to fashionable plus-size clothes, and so have been forced to 'not give a damn' by default!

Thankfully, at least some enlightened fashion retailers are waking up to the fact that they need to offer more trendy plus size clothing so that fuller figured women can have a bountiful choice when it comes to defining their wardrobe. Although still in the minority, an increasing amount of major fashion chain stores in the UK are now increasing the amount of retail space they dedicate to plus size clothing. Indeed, specialist outlet Matalan now offers their own Rogers & Rogers plus-size collection offering the absolute latest in larger women's fashion.

Most fashion experts agree that looking good is all about achieving proportion and symmetry. So, even though you cannot change your body in an instant, you can instantly change the way you look by revising your wardrobe. The trick is to highlight your best assets while hiding or downplaying less flattering parts of your body. Get that right and you will undoubtedly feel confident, feminine and sexy, regardless of your body shape.

Plus-size fashion has come a long way in only a few years. Previously the only clothes available were frumpy garments that more resembled sacks or tents, specifically designed to hide the wearer's body shape. Now, however designers are now producing gorgeous plus-size clothes at eminently affordable prices that will appeal to everyone. A well-made, stylish plus size top can transform a basic ensemble into a 'wow' outfit! Plus, as we've already discussed the secret to looking good is promoting good features and hiding less flattering areas. You will already be well versed in which of your features, such as y women's jackets our neck, bust or legs are flattering or need less prominence but regardless, the golden rule is to think vertical. That means you should forget horizontal stripes, hoops and other patterns which will invariably make you look wider.

Also stay clear of ultra-busy prints that make the wearer look bigger. Instead go for vertical stripes and big bold buttons to give you a slimmer look; this works as the eyes are drawn up and down, rather than side to side. But, the look itself is only part of the total picture and you should also carefully consider the fit. Any reasonable fashion top should hug your body, but not too tightly. Plus-size figures should not be hidden, but just like with any size woman a top that is too tight will highlight areas that would make any woman feel uncomfortable. Similarly, don't wear a top that is too baggy in an attempt to hide your body. Show it off, be proud, but ensure that you pick the right size which will show off your beautiful curves as well as making you look classy and chic.

The classic slimming shade is black, but why should you always dress like you are attending a funeral? Have some fun with bright colours and go for colours that will highlight your eyes, skin and hair. If you want to be bold, show some flesh and opt for a low-cut V-neck that has the dual effect of accentuating your bust and lengthening your neck, however, be wary of showing your mid-riff unless it is well-toned.

As a rule, plus-size women should avoid animal print tops as they too will make the wearer look bigger, however scarves with animal prints can be a fantastic addition to a stylish outfit. As we all know accessories add the finishing touches to any outfit, and the latest trendy handbags, shoes and scarves can all transform your everyday outfits into a stylish, fashionable look. Jewellery such as necklaces, pins and brooches can add a fabulous touch of glamour to fashion tops and jackets.

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